Sunday, October 17, 2010

Commencement Address of Steve Job - Assignment 4

There are three Primary subject matters that should be considered:

1. +Connecting the Dots
2. +Love and Lost
3. +Death

The Commencement Address of Steve Jobs really intrigue me about his guy. As I had first read this article, I was mesmerized
by his story. It’s full of ups and downs. I can’t imagine my life to be on his. I can’t truly put myself on his shoes.
Although his life story seems hard and so much complicated , he seems to be very adoptive and can easily cope
up to every situation and circumstances he has/have been encountering. I think he is a strong willed person.
His life is full of mystery. Steve Job’s life is full of misery. Honestly I can feel pity towards him because of the life
He had and There’s one thing that’s very, very important that he never mention or talked about. I think
I just reserved that for the “I therefore conclude” statement at the end of this reflection.

1.+Connecting the Dots

-So, I suppose Steve Jobs now is very successful in terms of financial state or I should say he is successful in
the matters of money making businesses, for being a “Technopreneur”. I can see his name on the list of the
most successful person on their field. Just like Steve Jobs, his field is on scrutinizing and dissecting computers.
Even though he had not finished his studies in college because he dropped out, he became successful in his
chosen field, and maybe because of some and financial reasons.

Let me start when he was born. His parents are not God’s will. From the very story that his parents were unwed
and although they had a baby they chose not to get marry and put baby steve on an adoption, he was broken [broken baby] huhuhu…..
But her mother was wiser that time when she decided to give Steve o a settled couple who promised that
they would sent Steve to college. I realize that steve was not able to finish even the 2nd semester in
college and he just dropped out. He eventually did that because he has a lot of self confidence it everything
would be alright. Amazing! It so funny that he first dropped out the subjects that he like, What a weird person.
Then many things had happen to him. He has a most terrible college life I ever know.

You can really connect the dots by looking backward as Steve said. He is a Strong-willed person.

His first story was miserable.

2. +Love and Lost

In early stage of his life, I mean in that age[17] he found out what he like and what most interest him that it seems that he know that he would be very successful someday, that he would never regret the decisions he has made. I think that time when they released their finest creation-the Macintosh-
It is so weird and funny and “I don’t know” when you get fired in your own company??? How come, just like what happen to Steve. But because of that undesired scenario, in his second company, he found his wife. Obviously he had learned to accept and appreciate the things that was happening into his life. HE love what he was doing and so determined in his everyway. He is realy a strong person, maybe because there is something or someone is been trusting for. I wonder what is that. He is following what he desires and what his heart says. I can him, his Selfish!. He only thinks about his self . Sometimes I can discern that even though he looked so strong but deep inside, he is broken, weak and helpless because of that he created a wall for himself, he became selfish, and raging, he became numb and acting that he could surpass everything according to his will.

I like this statement of him “DON’T SETTLE”
-two words yet encompasses thousands of relevance.

His 2nd story is a little bit miserable

3. +Death

“If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly right”
It made an impression on him and also to me…..
For him, living is the most important thing. I suppose, it applies to every person’s principles.
When Steve Jobs diagnosed with cancer, we all know that cancer is incurable, he felt fear [fear of death].
Fortunately I those times that he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the only cure is surgery and he did! And he is fine now. “Yet death is the destination we all share”, a very realistic statement by Steve.

His 3rd story is somehow miserable.

“Stay Foolish. Stay Hungry.”

-this statement catches my attention. We should stay foolish, meaning that our must be open and dynamic
always to new discoveries and knowledge. We must not be contented with the education or learning or
knowledge that we have, we must keep exploring, creating and discovering. We should stay hungry means
that we should be hungry in terms of dreams and opportunities. Keep on Dreaming, Keep on reaching higher
Goals and higher visions. Keep on Moving Forward!

But all of this is worldly right? But all of these will be possible in JESUS alone. Just make sure we
will do these things in accordance with the will of GOD. For the glory of His name we will keep on moving forward.

Why his life became miserable?

What is that one thing he has not recognized? It is, the author and the finisher of life he had. GOD.
He never mention the name of GOD in his commencement and as I had watched the move “Pirates of the Silicon Valley”
I can see that Steve Jobs had lived a miserable and despondent life because he had not call upon the name of JESUS,
Who could have changed His life and mindset, Who could make him realize that his existence here on earth is
not designed to fail and to live a terrible life but rather to have an abundant life in JESUS. I hope it’s not too
late for him to deter his true purpose in life and accept JESUS CHRIST as his Lord and Savior. MY LORD can
change lives, I pray that he can realized that before his breath comes back to its Author.

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